【90】ウイルスが肺炎を引き起こすは本当か? - 大橋眞

4 years ago


The infectious disease in question this time has the problem of causing pneumonia when it becomes severe. .. Interstitial pneumonia, which shows ground glass-like shadows on CT, is a typical example. However, there is a lack of information on the details, as the person who died from this infection has not been dissected in Japan. Postmortem autopsy is performed in many cases in Germany. Pathological studies are also being conducted in China. Among these are treatises that have been reported in considerable detail.
Several points were clarified from the paper on the relationship between the dynamics of the virus in question and pneumonia. In the pathology of interstitial pneumonia, the infiltration of inflammatory cells is small, and it can be seen that it is more like edema than inflammation. Since many of the deaths from the disease have many thrombi in the lungs, it is considered that the embolization of the pulmonary capillaries increased the intravascular pressure and the plasma exuded into the interstitium together with the inflammatory cells. I will. This reduced the ability to deliver oxygen to the red blood cells in the capillaries, leading to respiratory failure. The virus is localized in some cells of the alveoli. It is thought to be an alveolar macrophage that has taken up the viral gene from the shape of the cell. Rather than the virus increasing inside the cell, it may have been taken up by the cell to process virus debris. In other words, the localization of viral genes is a result and is unlikely to be the cause of pneumonia.
There is no evidence that the virus in question causes pneumonia, and it is more like pulmonary edema (pulmonary edema) than pneumonia, and it is thought that blood clots play an important role.

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