【87】健常者にマスクが必要は科学的根拠なし - 大橋眞

3 years ago

 健常者でもマスクをしなければ感染拡大が防げないという思想は、いくつかの科学論文を根拠にしています。そのうちの一つが、Nature Medicine に掲載された中国・香港のグループの論文です。発症前にもウイルスを出しているという論拠にされています。WHOがこの論文を引用する形で、世界中の専門家この思想を広めました。日本でも一部の新聞記事に紹介されました。しかし、この論文はウイルスの排出を実際のデータで示したものではありません。1次感染者と2次感染者の潜伏期、2次感染までの間隔を77組の事例について、統計的に頻度分布を調べたうえで、感染時期の確率を感染力という表現で、1次感染者の発症時期前後の時間経過で表したものです。この論文の前提として、感染者がウイルスを出している、ウイルスが症状の原因になっているということがあります。しかし、これだけ多くの患者について調べているにも関わらず、実際にウイルスを出しているというデータは、ありません。この論文の範囲でも、咽頭スワッブのウイルスは極めて少なく、このウイルスでは症状を説明できません。また、ウイルス排出により伝播することも考えられません。この論文における患者の症状はインフルや普通の風邪など別のウイルスによる可能性が高いのです。また、実際のウイルス排出のデータを出さないのは不自然です。本当にウイルスを排出しているのであれば、PCRにより簡単にデータが出せるはずです。咽頭スワッブのデータから、ウイルス排出はほとんど考えられません。このウイルスによる症状でなければ、潜伏期や2次感染という捉え方にも科学的根拠はなくなります。すなわち、この論文の主張には科学的根拠はないことになります。

Children are wearing masks and going to school. Also, some of the children playing in the park are wearing masks. When you get on the train, most people wear masks. If you don't wear a mask at the supermarket, you will feel that your shoulders are narrow. Why did it become such a strange society? Not many people can explain the rationale. I think there are many people who say on TV, the teacher said, because everyone is wearing a mask.
The idea that even healthy people cannot prevent the spread of infection without wearing a mask is based on some scientific papers. One of them is a group paper from China and Hong Kong published in Nature Medicine. It is argued that the virus is released even before the onset. Experts around the world have spread this idea in the form of WHO quoting this treatise. It was introduced in some newspaper articles in Japan as well. However, this treatise does not show actual data of virus shedding. After statistically examining the frequency distribution of 77 sets of cases with the incubation period between the primary and secondary infections and the interval until the secondary infection, the probability of infection is expressed as infectivity and the primary infection. It is expressed by the passage of time before and after the onset of the person. The premise of this treatise is that the infected person is issuing the virus, and that the virus is the cause of the symptoms. However, despite investigating so many patients, there is no data that they actually release the virus. Even within the scope of this treatise, the pharyngeal swab virus is extremely rare and cannot explain the symptoms. In addition, it is unlikely that it will be transmitted by viral shedding. The patient's symptoms in this article are most likely due to another virus, such as the flu or a common cold. Also, it is unnatural not to provide data on actual viral shedding. If you are really shedding the virus, you should be able to easily get the data by PCR. From the pharyngeal swab data, viral shedding is unlikely. If it is not a symptom caused by this virus, there is no scientific basis for the concept of incubation period or secondary infection. In other words, the claims in this treatise have no scientific basis.
The story of being infected by an asymptomatic person is the biggest cause of this uproar. There is a need for discussion as to whether the scientific basis for this is correct. It is necessary to scientifically clarify what PCR is detecting in the first place. If it is a resident virus, it is not an infectious disease. The discussion of measures against the spread of infection, self-restraint, economic measures, and the need for vaccines and drugs is the next story.

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