Christmas in the Stars

4 years ago

Psalm 19:1- The heavens keep telling the wonders of God and the firmament shows His handywork. Just look up. God's love story and concern for man, from age to age, is written in the stars. The destination and hour of Messiah's birth in Bethlehem was foretold by the great Creator. The ancient Hebrew calendar known as the mazzoroth, confirmed it.

This is part one, of Symphony in the Stars, which focuses on the biblical historical facts surrounding Christmas.You can catch part two on this channel as well, "Chanukah, Christmas and the Symphony in the Stars."The Jewish Festival of Chanukah and the Christian holiday we call Christmas, are closely related..

Music played are original,Christy Espinosa compositions and are available at iTunes and Amazon. consider subscribing to my channels to receive new uploads.

The location of the Mazzoroth mentioned here at Beit Shean, is actually near that city and was found at Beit Alpha in an ancient Synagogue. Zachariah scripture- Luke 1:8

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