【77】PCRの発明者 マリス博士の遺言 - 大橋眞

4 years ago


PCR is a technology invented by Kary Mullis of the United States. For this achievement, he was awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. His turbulent life, including his upbringing, is autobiographically described in his book "Dr. Maris's Bizarre Life." Dr. Maris argues that there is no scientific treatise in the book that HIV is the cause of AIDS. The fact that HIV does not meet Koch's four principles is also a basis for doubting its existence. Dr. Maris accused Dr. Montagnier of France, who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of HIV, and noted that Montagnier himself could not present a scientific paper stating that HIV is the cause of AIDS. I am. What does it mean to be unable to show that HIV is the cause of AIDS, despite the fact that many HIV researchers have been doing research on it for many years? Attempts to present these facts at the lecture also reveal that activities to prevent this performance were carried out blatantly.
Initially, the diagnosis of AIDS was an antibody test, but eventually PCR was used. Kary Mullis's will that "PCR should not be used to diagnose infectious diseases" warns of the reality of concession-driven researchers forming a group of experts. Kary Mullis dies a mysterious death at his home in August 2019. This turmoil began, waiting for his death. While Kary Mullis, who had a sense of justice seeking truth rather than concession, was alive, I think he couldn't have caused such a turmoil. We need to take Kary Mullis's will very seriously and understand the uproar.

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