【47】新型コロナは、本当に無症状者から感染するのか - 大橋眞

4 years ago


It is said that the new coronavirus infection is transmitted from asymptomatic people, and even after the state of emergency is lifted, healthy people are forced to avoid masks and three sickness. How can this infection from asymptomatic individuals be explained? I don't see any experts in the media explaining this. We examined the onset of symptoms in respiratory tract infections such as colds and influenza, the mechanism of virus propagation by virus proliferation, and the mechanism of virus transmission by droplets, and the time course of antibody production, using the infection of respiratory tract epithelial cells as a model. Based on this, I wondered if it could be explained that the infection could be explained by a person without symptoms.
As a result, it is difficult to explain the mechanism by which a person without symptoms infects another person, and even if the virus is present in the droplets, the amount of virus is orders of magnitude higher than that of a person with influenza and symptoms. Should be low, and it was thought that PCR was likely to detect some virus that had adhered to the mucosal epithelium in a non-proliferative manner.

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