【39】コロナ騒動の原因 ソーシャルディスタンスを科学的に検証する - 大橋眞

4 years ago


It is the concept of social distance that the corona turmoil has changed our lives significantly. The basis of this idea comes from the idea that infections from asymptomatic individuals and droplet infections occur. Causes of the corona turmoil.
Scientifically verify social distance
.. Examining related scientific treatises, all infections from asymptomatic individuals use the gene sequences of papers published in China. In addition, for those involved in droplet infection, uncloned samples are used as experimental materials, and it is indistinguishable which virus is working. Also, this sample itself uses the gene sequence of the same paper also published from China. If the genome sequence of a Chinese treatise contains the gene for a resident virus and this part is used in PCR tests, there is no scientific basis for the possibility of infection from asymptomatic individuals. .. In other words, there is no scientific basis for the need to take social distance. In order to end the corona turmoil, it is necessary to examine scientific treatises rather than swallowing media reports.

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