It Is Well - The Evans Family

4 years ago

Evans Family Official Music Video
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It Is Well - Written by Horatio Spafford
Arrangement by Joe Liles
Mixed and Mastered by Jeff Gudenrath -
Videography and video editing by Josiah Gillam - Facebook page - Is Well, written by Horatio Spafford, is the testimony of a man who's faith in Jesus Christ, even during some of the hardest times in his life, gave him the ability to say, "Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul'". Spafford, a Presbyterian preacher, organised a family holiday to Europe to hear one of his favourite preachers, D. L. Moody, speak. After sending his family ahead, the ship was struck by a passing vessel, claiming the lives of 226 people, as well as his four daughters. His wife survived the tragedy, sending him a telegram stating, 'Saved alone'. Spafford took a ship to meet his wife in England and as he travelled, penned the wonderful hymn 'It Is Well'.

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