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4 years ago

Question : What are my responsibilities as a landowner with a public foot path running across my land?

As the owner or occupier of land with a public right of way across it, you must keep the route visible and not obstruct or endanger users.
—go the the government website to see detail and updates.

Note: if you are a member of the public there are apps you can download to find a public foot path.

*You can find out if your land has a public right of way on your land.

Your local authority (national park authorities, county councils, some district councils, metropolitan boroughs or unitary authorities) will normally have a ‘definitive map’ of your area showing public rights of way. Definitive mapsare a legal record of public rights of way in 4 categories:



restricted byways

byways open to all traffic

Keep public rights of way clear of obstructions

As the owner or occupier of land with a public right of way across it, you must:

avoid putting obstructions on or across the route, such as permanent or temporary fences, walls, hedgerows, padlocked gates or barbed wire

make sure vegetation does not encroach onto the route from the sides or above, bearing in mind the different clearances needed for users of different types of route, for example by horse riders

Obstructing a public right of way is a criminal offence. The highway authority has the right to demand you remove any obstruction you cause. If you don’t, the highway authority can remove the obstruction and recover the cost from you. (excerpt cut from the Government website)

* Make sure you find out before you buy land as it maybe a responsible you do not want. Always seek legal advice if you are insure about your responsibilities for your property.

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