McConnell was instrumental in protecting Dominion Voting Systems from required reforms. ASL.

3 years ago

Hello and welcome to ASL Patriot Broadcast!
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is a (R-Ky.) but President Trump feels like Mitch betrayed the party. Mitch is just a RINO. RINO means Republican in name only. Mitch has not supported Trump throughout this process. McConnell is reportedly telling GOP senators to acquiesce to the Democrats robbing the election, because it would ultimately result in a “terrible vote” in which Republicans would side with Democrats against President Trump’s push for electoral transparency and accountability. Guess what a part of Mitch’s history is now with Dominion? McConnell was instrumental in protecting Dominion Voting Systems from required reforms to improve the system which, ironically was introduced by Democrats that could have prevented fraud on Election Day. What? When was this? This was in 2019. Several Democratic and Republican members of Congress have submitted legislation to shore up election security. Proposals from Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) include replacing paperless electronic voting machines with hand-marked paper ballots and optical scanners, subjecting voting equipment vendors to rigorous cybersecurity standards, and requiring vendors to report cybersecurity incidents.
Newsweek reported that Mitch squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, July 25th. Mitch received some money from Dominion lobbyists before killing substantial electoral reform bills in 2019. Several of the lobbyists working for ES&S and Dominion Voting Systems have made contributions to McConnell’s campaign and joint fundraising committee. David Cohen, who worked for Dominion in 2019, gave $2,000 donation to McConnell. Cohen’s associate, Brian Wild, also a Dominion lobbyist, gave McConnell a $1,000 donation as well. During 2019, on February 19 and March 4 Emily Kirlin and Jen Olson, who have lobbied on behalf of Election Systems & Software also donated $1,000 to McConnell each. Prior to this in 2018, Emily has also donated $1k on 4/17/18 and $1k on 6/30/18 according to this chart.
What were those two bills that Mitch wanted to squash? The first bill, presented by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer would authorize $775 million to bolster election security and require states to keep paper trails of all votes cast. The second, presented by Senator Richard Blumenthal, would require political candidates and their staff and family members to notify the FBI about any offers of assistance from foreign governments. "It's not surprising to me that Mitch McConnell is receiving these campaign contributions," the Brennan Center for Justice's Lawrence Norden said. "Mitch seems single-handedly to be standing in the way of anything passing in Congress around election security, and that includes things that the vendors might want, like money for the states to replace antiquated equipment." Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said, “The only logical conclusion is that Senator McConnell wants American elections to be vulnerable to hackers and foreign interference.”
Could the whole mess have been avoided back in 2019? You be the judge…judge…and judge.
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