114 THE TRUTH Life IS Change

3 years ago

The search for the truth now what I've noticed about a lot of people is that they hate to change all my god they hate change people hate when things change don't they ever right don't ever hate when people come in things change is worst is the worst oh my god you know putting ketchup on a burger anymore oh my god you're using a different Bonner only got your serve Grecian bred anymore or the only god changes you change that only got change change change durable I can't stand it why can't things stay the same.

There is no life without change and change their life because once you get past life, things start changing, and even then, things change.

And it's like do you think that nothing's going to happen after the election hello some is going to happen in the next thing's going to happen in this are going to happen constant Lee things are happening all the time as long as we are alive there is change as long as we are in this world there is change.

You have to see change as part of life, and then if you want to maintain a connection with life, you have to change your mindset so you understand that.

It would help if you embraced change to embrace the life you cannot embrace life without embracing change now.

And you have to see you, so am I going to freak out when all these things happen, or am I going to take these things in stride because I understand that life is change and I might not like some of these changes they're coming along I may not like I maybe I may hate some of these changes.

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