112 THE TRUTH Understanding The Zipper

3 years ago

This is a search for truth. This is another one of my driving series so let me ask you something don't you hate when people don't understand how to work an on-ramp to the freeway on-ramp because here's a concept that I've tried to get out there to people to know how on-ramps work okay. On ramps work like a zipper, right you know what is it for is right you got teeth on one side, and you've got gaps in the other side you have teeth in gaps right to think that please fit into each other request, and that's precisely how on-ramps work teeth are the cars. In the gaps are the spaces between the cars right. So when you're moving onto an on-ramp. You've got a one-sided zipper; right, it's whipping by force. When you're this, the on-ramp people are so sorry, not on the on-ramp, but here the people on the freeway there were in by.

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