Jesus taught 3 ways how to bring kingdom of heaven to earth here and now Part 3

3 years ago

Part 1 I spoke about 3 ways to bring kingdom of Heaven here and now, thru Faith, Anointing & Presence. I explained the difference between Anointing & Presence. Prophet Elisha was more anointed than Prophet Elijah. But he died of sickness. The Anointing do not protect us, it is for ministering to others in power. It is the Presence, the manifested Presence of Jesus that bring us to enter His Rest, to recvd the abundant life that Jesus paid for.

Part 2, I explained in practical ways what is walking in the Spirit and walking in the flesh, based on Romans 8:5. We cannot host His presence in the flesh, because our flesh stinks. We have to be in the Spirit to host the manifested presence of Jesus. I also taught 3 kinds of prayers & we practiced them:
1)Prophetic Intercession
2) Silent soaking prayer
3)Ministering to the Lord.

Prophetic intercession will fan the spiritual gifts into flame - the Anointing.
Silent soaking prayer will increase our sharpness to hear the voice of God, so that we can do what we see the Father do, say what we heard the Father said (just as Jesus did), so that miracles will happen.
Ministering to the Lord is Intimacy, Word & Spirit - it brings the manifested Presence of Jesus into our room, into our secret place of prayer.

In Part 3 lesson, we learn the entire bible has only 7 pillars of faith in God's love. We can read the Bible 100 times, yet unaware one of the Pillars of faith is broken. The devil cannot kill our mental, emotional & physical health, steal our finances or destroy our relationships, unless one of the pillars of faith are broken. As we apply the 7 pillars of faith in His love to thank Him, praise Him , His presence will manifested in our midst, and we enter the glory realm. Because our Abba Father is a rewarder of those who come to Him in faith and in love.

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If you live in Singapore, you can send to my PAYNOW acct 81813631 Tang Teong Eng. Please remember to watch all my teachings of 3 Ways to Kingdom of Heaven here and now. And remember to subscribe below. God bless you richly & praise the Lord always!

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