The Allied Invasion of Israel of Ezekiel 38 & 39 Part 2 of 7

4 years ago

According to all three Gospel writers, the sign of the end of the age is said to be when nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. This act will be coupled with famines and earth quakes in various places and then Jesus clearly stated that this would be the beginning of travail (sorrows). The term travail beans “birth pang”. It refers to the series of birth pangs that a woman undergoes before giving birth to a baby. The prophets pictures the last days as a series of birth pangs before the birth of the Messianic Age, which we call the Millennial Kingdom. The beginning of travail, the first birth pang and the sign that the end of the age has begun is when nation rises against, nation and kingdom against kingdom. It is important to find out just exactly where this idiom is used in the Bible.

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