Bill Oddie of the Goodies: Everybody At The BBC Knew About Jimmy Savile

4 years ago

Bill Oddie admits that pretty much everyone at Aunty knew Savile was a pervert.
BBC to kids: "Don't listen to the Sex Pistols, they're too vulgar. Sit on Jimmy's lap instead. He'll fix it." (Johnny Rotten told the truth about the sordid Savile, and was silenced by the networks, and refused radio work)!
"He was a friend of royalty", Bill says here. Jeffrey Epstein was a friend of Andrew.
Oddie lost his job on Springwatch shortly after this interview. The said he was suffering with Bi polar disorder and he was very difficult to work with. Makes you wonder who really is in charge eh?
John Lydon aka Johnny Rotten had Saville sussed and came out with it, years before anyone else ever thought of mentioning it.

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