Wedding of Neil Joseph Fischer and Mary Ann Saraf 1951

4 years ago

The wedding of Neil Joseph Fischer and Mary Ann Saraf at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Savannah on September 22, 1951. Mrs. Edith Jenkins (in the coral gown, seen with Mary Ann in front of her house on Hopkins Street and later helping her get out of the car at the church) made the wedding gown and bridesmaids' dresses. Mary Ann's brother Philip Saraf gave the bride away as her father was murdered on June 13, 1941. Also seen in film, Rose Saraf, Antoinette Saraf, Phyllis Saraf Tabakian and her son George, Jr., Mary Valenti, Sr. Mary Daria Gildea (Elizabeth Jane Gildea), Mr. Robert "Bob" Jenkins, Harold Beecher, Grandpa Karam Gannam, Michael Gannam and Antoine "Bogie" Saraf (dancing at the end).

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