#22 Peter Strzok, MPC VS TRS, Decline Of WASPs, Stanley Kubrick

3 years ago

http://lukeford.net/blog/?p=122546 From MPCdot.com:

I listened to the first 1/2 hour of the latest TDS to hear what’s up with the lawsuit dismissal. There wasn’t much detail, sounds like they don’t expect it to be re-filed. Golf clap to Enoch for getting off the hook and being back up on the level of those of us who didn’t get sued in the first place.

My other takeaway was that Sven apparently F5’s this thread religiously. He was very butthurt that people here were unsympathetic to Enoch and they spent quite a bit of time whining about it.

They also do the usual thing of feigning ignorance about why we soured on them (“Why are they so butthurt even though we’re basically on the same side? I guess they’re just jealous of how relevant and awesome we are”).

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