Nathan Speir - Eagle In The Harbor

3 years ago

Peaceful Native American Flute & Guitar Music
Single Release: Eagle In The Harbor
Release Date: 11-01-2016
Label: Neptic Music LLC
Produced, Performed, Recorded, Composed: Nathan Speir

Available for Download at most major online music sites such as iTunes, Amazon, and CDBaby.

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On the music from Nathan:
After many months of collaborating with other instruments in my studio, I collected some gems. One of my guitar sessions led me to this idea of a calm place, like a harbor, where even the bravest of creatures often return for nourishment and harmony. The bald eagle, also symbol of my country America, is a strong, skilled, and powerful creature. The idea of a soaring eagle over the water was an image that came to mind as I prayed for a more harmonious time for the people in my country...and the world.

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