Building my first axial flux BLDC motor. Details in the description.

3 years ago

The motor is an axial flux bldc motor. The stator has a slotless iron stator core made from steel banding. The stator coils are made with 16 gauge wire wound into 3 coils connected in wye. Each coil is wound a falharbor type winding with 4 turns for 12 poles. The rotor is made from an old saw blade with twelve 20mm × 1mm magnets N35 neodymium magnets.

At the end, you can see the bldc motor is unloaded and is set at its slowest speed. The controller is supplying 1.49vac but i forgot to record the amp draw. Because of so few turns per coil giving low inductance, the amps were high, about 5.6. The motor was drawing 8.3 watts.

I did not want to spin the motor up as fast as it could go. The motor needs better balancing and the magnets need to be better secured so they don't become projectiles.

I already have ideas for improvements on my next build, and will post it when its complete. Expected improvements. More powerfull N52 magnets, a better way of securing the magnets in place, thinner wires wound together into a litz wire, twice the number of turns, and a 3d printed core to wind the coils on as well as better balance the rotor.

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