Episode 218 Shannon Scholten and Mike Kestler

4 years ago

Co-host Shannon Scholten, President of CSN International and host of Voice of Truth joins Mike Kestler of The River Christian Fellowship to answer your Bible questions on our live call-in Christian apologetic show. Call in with your question at 1-888-827-5276.

If this vaccine is so bad, why is President Trump pushing for it?

How crazy do you think they're going to get with making people get the vaccine?

As a God-fearing woman, what should I do with my backsliding husband?

In Matthew 24/7-9, will we be hated because we won't take the shot?

What do you think about churches that sell merchandise?

In 1 Kings, why was Adoniah's life forfeited when he asked for Abishag?

In Revelation, how do you think beheadings would happen here in the West when it's a Middle East custom?

Did God take Moses straight to heaven after Jesus transfigured on the mountain?

Do each of us have a guardian angel, or is that just a Catholic concoction?

Have you heard if China invaded one of our bunkers in Maine?

If the rapture doesn't happen pre-trib, what's the next thing we should be looking for?

Find More From Shannon Scholten Here:

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