The Differences Between the Rapture and the Revelation

3 years ago


In this video series we are explaining the theological concept of the Rapture. This video series is inspired by a series my pastor is currently conducting and I have adapted it to video format. If you search for this topic on the internet or YouTube you will find a lot of various opinions and thoughts. In this series we will be looking at a lot of scripture and everything will be based first and foremost on scripture which is our ultimate authority. We encourage you to search the scriptures and verify for yourself everything we teach here at Emmaus Road Productions. If you have questions please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

In part 3 we will talk about why The Rapture is not the Revelation the Rapture is distinct. In this video I will be quoting a lot of scripture. I do this not to bore you the viewer, but I do it to show this is not the crazy rambling opinion of someone on the internet but it is the Word of God.

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