Warning Benidorm about Geo-engineering & Promoting scientific research

3 years ago

We need to keep sharing and supporting the suppressed, to help people start to acknowledge and awaken from hypnotic trance ✊🏼 They use sarcasm to discredit alternative information and ridicule to discourage people 🗣👥 Why not abolish all of the patents on renewable energy technologies and lower emissions, instead of spraying chemicals in the sky to combat climate change? 🤔 Should we not worry about side effects from adding more toxins like liquid propane, iodide and dry ice to the atmosphere...Considering the fires in California, Mexico, Gran Canaria and Australia...is it really making things better or could we be making things worse?
We need independent investigation and surveillance to know who is spraying, what is being sprayed, for which purpose and the side-effects/hangover of adding more emissions to this cocktail ✈ We should trust our eyes when instruments and repetition produce the same results, even if it conflicts with what we were taught to believe 🤥 I believe that only the Creator knows the whole truth, we are just mere mortals, obsessed with the theory of knowledge 🐍 Television programming is conditioning us to tolerate and conform to a promiscuous and materialistic pop culture and to trust or at best choose between the official narratives instead of reducing the false variables using the scientific method. Maybe we will never know or understand our origin or purpose of existing but we are better off exploring internally and externally than trusting "his-story" like fanatics ✊🏼 Regardless of which Creation story you believe, there is a spiritual war going on, we need to stay aware of manipulation via misconception 💌
Here are 3 easy experiments that prove we are being lied to;
1. Check how Moonlight chills water & can be manipulated even stronger with a magnifying glass during the waning phase 🔎🍸 Compared to another glass in unsheltered shade and reproducible proving that it is not a reflecting 12% sunlight as we are taught to believe!
2. Go to see for yourself at sea level that even when manipulating the distance, there is never a visible loss of landscape due to curvature, we can see further away than we should be able to 🔭🌁 Proving that we are being lied to about the dimensions and situation of our reality.
(According to spherical trigonometry)
3. Playback a video of various Stars in slow speed to see geometric patterns without distortion 🌟📹 Proving a much closer proximity and different "being" then we have been taught to believe.
Music by Flat Earth Penguin "I'M NOT ON THE LEVEL"
Music by Friend of Yahweh "ROUND & CURVY"
Music by Alex Michael the Conspiracy Music Guru "I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT NASA"
Activism inspired by:
John Smith's Globe Lie 🛰️🌎🚀

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