Water Adventures: Failing Forward

3 years ago

You may think that previous videos show the adventures of getting water to pigs in the forest. However, what these videos really show, is that I am a lying dog faced pony soldier full of malarkey. They say that teaching is the best way to learn. And it is. While I was filming those previous water videos I realized that sitting there waiting for the water to siphon from the side-by-side to the holding barrel or stock-tank was a huge waste of time. I should simply be using a 5 gallon bucket to transfer the water. By using the bucket and a little muscle, my 30 minute job turns into a 1-2 minute job. Efficiency!

#GloryToGodHogs #Natural #Ethical #Sustainable #FreeRange #PigRanch #Pork #Bacon #Portland #Oregon #Farm #TimberUnity #Fail #Educated

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