Just Kidding | Social Justice Warriors

4 years ago

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In this video we explore comedy's effect on politics and vise versa...

This video follows comedians, such as Joe Rogan, Jamie Kilstein, Owen Benjamin, Kevin Hart, Jonah Hill, Louis CK, Sarah Silverman, Bill Burr... Comedy is subjective, abstract thought, which allows people to arrive at absurd conclusions for the sake of a laugh, but is being used to push a political agenda.

Perhaps this is why Comedy and Comedians are no longer funny...

We also see Hollywood Celebrities attack others while Virtue Signaling only to be exposed exposed threw #me2 such as Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, David Letterman to name a few... the same people who took part in the social engineering by writing, acting, producing the entertainment the rest of us were exposed to as children or young adults via TV and Hollywood Movies.

For better or worse we are being Social Engined aka programed.

In sum, Misery loves company.

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