Don't Believe the UK is Knackered? December 14, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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Don't Believe the UK is Knackered? December 14, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Please understand that when I talk about "the Brits" being at the bottom of the dogpile - predictably -- each and every time there is trouble in the world, I am not talking about the people of Great Britain. I am not even talking about their military, nor, for the main part, about their Secret Service.
I am talking about the unaccountable and criminal portion of their government that operates in the background in the same way that the so-called "Deep State" operates here. Normal people in Britain are just as clueless and unaware of this Hidden Hand as people have been here, and they are just as innocent of any wrong-doing associated with the actions of this entity.
Let us for a moment regard what I call "The Fundamental Problem" which is a paradox of sorts.
The only reason a government is needed, and the only valid cause for the existence of any government, is to protect the people and the assets of a particular nation.
A "nation" is not the same thing as a "country" -- the concept of nation involves the living population, the Body Politic, in control of a country; so, while a government may indeed be protecting rocks and trees and rivers belonging to the people of a country, the real object of government is to protect the people and their assets, with the country being part of their assets.
The people of America and the persons inhabiting "the Territorial and Municipal United States" who provide us with governmental services make up two completely separate populations, two different Body Politics.
The so-called District Governments, both Territorial [Commonwealth] and Municipal, are subcontractors who are supposed to be working for us according to the terms and conditions of their respective Constitutions--- but the real take-home message is that they are not us, even though they are often born here, and look and speak and seem to be as "American" as anyone else.
The evil world-spanning interlocking trust directorate in control of the Municipal Government of Washington, DC, went completely rogue in the 1930's and has continued to be misdirected in pursuit of criminal aims and unbridled profiteering ever since. This is what is commonly called "the US" and we, Americans, who have been victims of it like everyone else, are being blamed for its actions.
In the same way, the people of Britain are being blamed for the actions of "the UK", and its manifestation, the British Crown Corporation, which has for the most part the same kind of relationship with them that "the US" has with us.

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