Fusion of Old and New Architecture expressed in Contemporary Eaves

4 years ago

Art Complex in Pyeung Chang Dong, Seoul, South Korea. The main concept of our design is the fusion of the old and new. From the material used to the form of mass, its outcome expresses the work of art, the contemporary architecture through traditional Korean architecture metaphorically. In addition, open terraces of each function make the building more vibrant and accessible.

For more ingo, please visit: http://www.theeae.com

The materials used for the building façade are copper and silver perforated metal panels, which go under different finishing. Some copper panels have a rust finish, demonstrating the past times; on the other hand, the smooth and clean silver metal panels represent present. We will be using refurbished recycled metals and new ones, giving a more varied and random patterns for the façade design. This might be an effective promotion of environmental issues. Moreover this building itself will be educational and contributive to the environment.

The building is composed of two main types of mass and shape: the ones covered with copper panels are mimicking traditional Korean eaves, smooth curves with elegant shapes, creating a contemporary mass; on the other hand, the silver ones have boxy mass, giving a sense of modernism.

The masses interlocked, creating a complex, showing a variation of spatial quality and ideas. This is a fusion of old and new. We hope to remind people about the tradition while promoting new creations, encouraging the art center to grow in different perspectives.

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