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HIV from the COVID vaccine

4 years ago

What is really in the COVID Vaccine. Lots of surprises to kill you and sterilize you!


  • 0/2000
  • This video is accurate and a premeditated shame, 5 virus's cut into one, to cause worldwide citizens to test positive for HIV... https://rudyscommonsense.podbean.com/ Rudy Gullianio Podcast link above

  • I can't wait to hear that someone has taken out George Soros.

  • How can you believe anything? When most of what he says comes true over and over again. Not to mention it is not about Alex but His guests who provide most of the information presented on His programs! But there are some that would prefer to just call names and mock those they don't like rather than debate the information being presented! Yet they think they're intelligent and well informed! In spite of the fact they are to uninformed and to lazy to debate the information presented!

  • It appears we have gone into this mass vax program despite the great awakening, and now months later, it is still ok to carry on these deadly injections. Why?

  • Bill Ahhhh Gates Ahhhh sounds Ahhhh retard ahhhh ed. Why is he being asked questions regarding ahhhh health issues? Who the hell is AHHH He????

    1 like
  • Gates is a lying piece of shit!

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  • THANK YOU! GATES/FAUCI<AKA Dr DEATH, In 1984 He, had the Aids Virus VAX, IT KILLED AND INFECTED MANY LIVES ofTHE LGBT COMMUNITY Thus the Monicker,DR DEATH, this Ingredient was also used, to help slow bleeding, It Was injected into Many Children That had The Hemophilia, THEY Contracted The AIDS Virus, MANY DIED! This POS FAUCI AND GATES, went to College together Ironic? GATES Father was a FULL BLOWN EUGENICIST as Was His Mother.

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