Beautiful Switzerland lake. Klöntalersee.

3 years ago

For more information about Klontalersee check out the link below.

So unfortunately my plywood roof rack has not aged so well. It's been rained on and snowed on the glue joints have come undone and it is starting to disintegrate. Fortunately, the new roof rack just came in. Here it is. I think it is a little bit better than the plywood roof rack. Hopefully, my roof rack won't fly off and kill someone. Now we just need to go canoeing.
It didn't take long for Laura to get this whole canoeing thing figured out. last week was all rainy but this weekend it cleared up so we came up to Klontalersee. So the canoe is much faster than I expected. Which is nice. But without that keel, it does tend to get blown around a little bit and it does not track at all. We came up here today to paddle around check it out and do a little bit of grilling. Klontalersee is a small lake in eastern Switzerland. This lake was originally a natural lake created by a landslide, but sometime in the early 1900s a dam was built and now the lake is used for hydroelectric. Random side note. this lake was once used to produce ice back in the days before refrigerators. This is probably one of my favorite lakes in Switzerland just because the mountains shoot up right from the water and go straight up and they are ridiculously tall. It's hard to grasp the scale of these suckers in the video but let's give you a little bit of scale. The lake sits at 2769Ft above sea level and the top of that mountain 9517ft. Which is a lot taller than the lake but still it is hard for us to wrap our minds around that. from the lake to the top of that mountain is a 6748ft elevation gain in under a mile. Just to make it even crazier. If you imagine our canoe is sitting at sea level and you took the tallest mountain in the eastern USA witch is MT Mitchel. Cut it out from where it starts at the ocean and carried it over to Switzerland and set it on this lake like the lake was the ocean. Mt Mitchel would still be 65ft shorter . it is an amazing place. You don't need a canoe or kayak to check it out there are multiple hiking trails around the lake and plenty of places to picnic along the bank. If I only had a few days to visit Switzerland Klontallersee would be pretty high on my list of places to visit. I would recommend checking it out.

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