How To Adjust And Experiment With Guitar Pick Stick Out

4 years ago

Adjusting how much of your pick is sticking out is critical. I like to start with the pick, and my finger, and my thumb all on the same plane, and then micro-adjust how much pick is sticking out by rolling my pinch grip in and out. In the neutral, relaxed position, with the pick, finger and thumb all on the same plane, i am able to hit the string with just the pick, or just the finger, or just the thumb, or just the finger and pick, or just the pick and thumb, or with the finger, pick and thumb all at once! Keeping the pick stick-out to a minimum, and using your finger and thumb as a depth gage/stop, helps keep your pick from grabbing too much of the string and getting stuck. Using your thumb and finger to brush the string also helps improve your tone, and thickens up your sound. Experiment, experiment, experiment!

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