Here’s another report from a credible agency. Allied Security Operations Group

3 years ago

Hello and welcome to ASL Patriot Broadcast! Here’s another report from a credible agency. Allied Security Operations Group which is a group of globally engaged professionals who come from various disciplines to include Department of Defense, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency. In their report, it is quoted as “The purpose of this forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County, Michigan for the 2020 election.” They performed the test Dec. 6th 2020. Then the report is the 13th. Results from the forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems in Antrim County, Michigan. Ivan, a reporter, said, "The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity." They published a pdf file of their findings which I will include in the description. Here’s some data from their research! The picture is a breakdown of the votes tabulated for the 2020 election in Antrim County, showing different dates for the tabulation of the same votes. They audited three different dates. As you can see picture- Nov 3, Nov 5, and Nov 21 shows votes being flipped from Trump to Biden. Let’s look at Nov 3 and we can see that the program showed Biden at 7769 and Trump at 4509. And then Nov 5th showed Biden at 7289 and Trump at 9783! Before 4500 but audit shows actual 9783. That’s over 5k difference in ONE county. Then to double check, they tested on Nov 21, and Biden’s ACTUAL votes went down to 5960(before7289 and 7769) while trump’s was “consistent” at 9748(before 9783). PDF says that The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error (detailed above by the vote "flip" from Trump to Biden, was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator prior to election night for a down ballot race. We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error. One of their comment was number 8, “The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication. This high error rates proves the Dominion Voting System is flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws”
They also pointed out the flaws in the print outs from the school board and mm election results that I reported a few days ago. They pointed out so MANY other things too that I encourage you to read the report.

(Could this be enough for Trump's Executive 2018 order to be implemented???)[121320]_v2_[redacted].pdf

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