Four Stages of Ideological Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov

4 years ago

2020-12-13: I learned of this Soviet plan in 1969. Since I learned this, I resolved that the Soviet plan was working extremely well in USA. I changed my life at that time and spent the next 11 years doing as I was able to work against this plan. The 16 years after that I spent witnessing the results of the success of that program on the ground and how it effected average families.

I believe this is an excerpt of a 1hr 20+min interview by G. Edward Griffin for the Free-World Press (1984) regarding Soviet Subversion of US principles including the massive success of this program to this date in 2020.

#TTiLNT The Truth is Learned, Never Told. Do your own investigations. Think for yourself. The US news media is not reliable.

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