🇬🇧 TRAILER - Astrology 2.0

3 years ago

Book available from February 2, 2024

2024 Pluto in Acquarius.
Astrology is ready to change
with a new orientation
with a new vision
with a new spirit.
After the birth of World Astrology 2.0 in 2020
Time has come to recover
its ancient past
to rebuild the sacred
and ancestral bond
that has always united man to the sky
and to erase a century
of false beliefs.
This is the perfect Time
to unite the past with the future
to renew the ancient knowledge
So, like a star in the sky
will guide man on his path once again.

In 2020 World Astrology 2.0 was born:
- Universis': research protocol of collective events that combines the Cycles of the Elements (Macrocosm) with the Planetary Cycles (Microcosm).
- Unichronos': the new astrological dating based on Jupiter - Saturn conjunctions.
- Clioversis': the renewed study of Cosmic Cycles that combines ancient tradition with modern knowledge.
In 2024 Astrology 2.0 will come to life: an astrological renewal now necessary with the arrival of the New Spirit of Time.


🇮🇹 AMAZON https://is.gd/Hun7Ne​
🇮🇹 WEB http://ilnuovospiritodeltempo.wordpre...​
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ilnuovospiri...​
Google Play https://is.gd/Dvm6pQ​

Author of:
- "Universis. The Time Code" (2020) + APP on Google Play "Universis'".
- "Universis Post Scriptum: notes, thoughts, reflections" (2020)
- "Universis 2020 - 2218: Renaissance 2.0 Event" (2020)
- "Universis. Compendium Renaissance 2.0" (2020)
- "Unichronos. Astrological Dating in Universis" (2020)
- "Universis. The Cygnus Constellation" (2021)
- "Universis 2020-2218: Economic Event (coming soon)
- "Moon-Venus. From symbiosis to relationship" (2019)
"Problem-space: epistemological, cognitive, sociological analysis" (2019)
"Madness - Vol. I" (2018)
"Red Room - Vol. I" (2018)
"Argo[n]" (2019)
"Mirror" (2020)

In the future it's planned to publish the books in English. Currently, they're available only in Italian.

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