The Striper Blues Journal - Video Log 46 - 11-27-20 - Chef Boyar-T Makes After-Thanksgiving Gumbo!

4 years ago

Sports Fans!

Here's a new video outlet for all my adoring fans.

Let's get ready to RUMBLE!!!!!

The holidays and the weather conspired to keep me off the water the last few weeks but not away from Nincompoopery, Hi-Jinx and Shenanigans!

In this episode Captain T converts to Chef Boyar-T and makes excellent use of a PLETHORA of Thanksgiving leftovers. No waste here at the Captain T household. Plus it's DAMN good eating and a family tradition.

Good cooking, family time and a bit of fun too. Captain T LOVES his family even more than fishing, John Wayne and Ronald Reagan!

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all the subscribers to The Striper Blues Journal and anyone else crazy enough to tune into such nonsense!

We'll be back on the water this week if the weather holds out.

Captain T out for now!

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