Circus Vs. Reality Tv

3 years ago

SMH, sometimes when I watch the news or all of the traumatic events that has happened this year, I cannot really distinguish whether it is reality tv that I have involuntary signed up to be a part of it just applied involuntary for a position at the circus. Either way I am trapped in between these two places that I have not signed up to be a part of. Just to be clear about my position I am a independent voter ( free to choose whichever works best for me) but, right about now I don't feel like anyone is being "ADULT" about the situation at hand. Why are these political pussies not speaking up or standing up for us right now. Is everyone scared that Trump is going to "Fire their dumb asses" or give them a bad reference when they get tossed out of that bitch? Or are they scared of being exposed to the bullshit they been doing while allocation of our hard earned funds are being put into the pocket's of big companies that have been bailed out time and time again. I am so tired of them taking from the little guys to give to the greedy that don't even need it uggh. Well, I guess when you're only worry is the stock market or your 401k earnings increase that's all that matters, Wake up people! Stop thinking so selfishly the ones that will ultimately suffer will be your children/ grandchildren/ great grandchildren. Hope you feel better about yourself now ( FOOD FOR THOUGHT) pull your head out your ass and be a critical thinker for once please 🙏.

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