Leigh Dundas – This Election is Far From Over, 3395

3 years ago

I’m still reporting on the coup.
California litigation attorney Leigh Dundas says this election is far from over.
The Joint Congressional Commission on Inauguration Ceremonies has for the second time refused to acknowledge Joe Biden as the Presidential Elect.
And that is perfectly correct and appropriate. The Desperados are desperately trying to rush this thing through – why? Because, although it looks bleak right now for the President winning this election, in fact, it is not.
I’ve said this before my reports, and even in public before my own local Republican committee; I still think President Trump’s re-election is still verging on a lock, and, in fact, the more the courts continue to take action on the multiplicity of legal challenges surrounding the election, the more likely Trump’s lock becomes.
Let’s listen to Leigh Dunas first of all, then I’ll put my two cents worth in.
[insert to: “… so should you.”]
Again, the Founders, in their wisdom, created a republic where power was deconsolidated to the maximum extent that was politically practical. In other words, they didn’t take this so far as to attempt a pure democracy – that would be the maximum in deconsolidated power. No, they knew that wouldn’t work. So they created a Republic where we elect representatives whom we thrust to run the affairs of first our local towns and cities, then our govern in our state legislatures, then finally, we send them to Washington to govern at the federal level.
Then, to counterbalance all of this legislative power, we have two other co-equal branches, the executive branch and the judicial branch, each with their own hierarchy.
However, the Constitution gives the legislative branch the plenary power to choose the electors to the Electoral College.
So what is plenary power? This is the most important term of this election cycle for everyone to understand, because this power will probably come into use in a few days, and the Desperados are so scared of it that they are trying to rush the President into conceding the election just so that this plenary power will NOT come into use regarding this election.
According to Wikipedia:
“In United States constitutional law, plenary power is a power that has been granted to a body … in absolute terms, with no review of or limitations upon the exercise of that power…..
“Plenary powers are not subject to judicial review in a particular instance or in general.”
Remember that! No court in the land can overturn a plenary power once exercised, and deciding on what electors are chosen to vote in the Electoral College, is at the sole discretion of the state representatives closest to you – your state legislators.
No where in the U.S. Constitution does it give the people the right to vote for that state’s electors to the Electoral College. We do it out of custom, not out of fidelity to the Constitution. The reality is that the state legislatures have the sole power to send whomever they want to the Electoral College to vote for President.
All it would take is one state to step forward and to be the first state to exercise this plenary power, and then several others would no doubt follow suit.
Now, let’s return to the analysis of attorney Leigh Dunas.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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