Vaughan former sales rep for Merck explains vaccination is not for HEALTH but for PROFIT

4 years ago

Learn The Risk founder, Brandy Vaughan is a former sales rep for Merck & Co. - a vaccine maker.

She explains how vaccine companies are using vaccines for massive profit not for public health. Brandy researched the safety of vaccines and found that not only do vaccines contain known toxins that can cause neurological damage, but that vaccine makers do not create the same safety studies for vaccines as they do for other drugs. This lack of true safety research of vaccines combined with the known adverse reactions to vaccination has helped Brandy to decide to never vaccinate her own child.

Brandy says giving children a vaccine is like playing Russian roulette with our children and that mandatory vaccination is simply a way for vaccine makers to profit off of our children.

What's really behind the push for mandatory vaccinations. The pharmaceutical industry is set to make billion dollar of mandatory childhood vaccinations.

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