Valley of Death Skirmish - Marine - AvP2 Custom Map (Complete Playthrough)

3 years ago

Aliens vs Predator 2 singleplayer custom map titled "Valley of Death Skirmish" - marine version.

Map author: DoomGuy


Map review:

Valley of Death is a custom map that takes the original first level of the marine campaign (m1e1) and reworks it to be a singleplayer skirmish map. This is the marine version of the map and it's very hard to beat. Actually, this would be one of the most difficult maps, if not the most difficult map to beat due to the constant aggressive aliens chasing the player. The map starts with the player spawning in a safe garage area to gear up for the onslaught. As soon as the player opens the garage door, there are non-stop chasing aliens that will continuously respawn. The strategy for the player is to keep moving while shooting off the aliens. However, the aliens slowly chip away at the player's health. Therefore, the player must constantly be hitting the health and armor pickups to stay alive.

Attacking the aliens in this map is difficult with most of the guns because the player can't afford to miss much. Fully automatic guns and the flamethrower are the go to guns to keep the alien pressure off the player here. In addition to the guns, there is an exosuit and several traps the player can trigger to destroy the aliens. While the exosuit is great in that it allows the player to move twice as fast to evade the aliens, ammo is limited. Also if the exosuit energy is expended too much, the player will come to a stall and be destroyed.

It should also be mentioned that this skirmish map is unique in that it can actually be beaten. There are three queens that spawn on the map. After all three queens or eliminated the player can finish the map by reaching the exit. The real trick of this map is to get the aliens and specifically the queen into the traps. I preferred using the bridge with the explosives. This trap deals massive damage and eliminates all the aliens rather quickly.

This playthrough was my first time playing this map. I died quite a bit because I didn't know where the power ups were located. Once I became accustomed to the map, things got easier. However, anytime I made a wrong turn and got cornered by aliens, it was game over. This is a nice change of pace for a skirmish map and it's super fun blowing the bridge up over and over. I would highly recommend this map to players who are looking for a challenge.

Note: I'm using some HD textures via Yaji's High Quality Resolution Textures v2 and my Blood n' Guts mod for the gore.

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