A warning from a communism escapee... me. (filmed Oct 2020)

3 years ago

-This video is my raw, unedited, and unscripted warning to all Americans, specially those who want Marxismo and socialism to be implemented here in the United States, the best free nation on the planet. And I hope you listen, and this registers in your minds....

-For those wondering how I shot the video, flip the phone sideways, and it will record in wide angle. My phone is an affordable tracfone, with a service plan. That is it.

-If you want to see me in one of my US Navy Submarine Force commands, that is me at 2:32 in this enclosed video link (below here), serving in the USS Henry M. Jackson SSBN-730, Blue Crew back in 1993, I was 27 years old.

-If you want to read and learn more about my family, and my sad experiences with leftists totalitarianism, you can read my book "Born Again" at Amazon as Kindle, Paperback, and Audible narrated by the great voice of Harry Minot, former general manager, and radio personalty of WPKN Bridgeport Connecticut.

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