No Stimulus checks are coming thanks to Nancy Pelosi. Fauci & Gates want Black Folks to get the Jab!

3 years ago

All praise to the most high God, possessor of the Heaven and the Earth.
We are at war with China, and we're losing! It's not a shooting war, it's a Sun Zu kind of war, a war of positioning, bribes, and sexual favors. According to a video that was referred to by President Trump, A "Professor" claims that several key U.S. citizens, are pretty much; in China's pocket. Old friends he called them. Hunter Biden is rumored to be on that list, and his daddy too. Shit, every American loves money, that's the weakness within our system. The Russians said it back in 1957; "We will sell you the rope that you will hang yourself with." Americans buy and sell, and that requires money. Our entire system of freedom is based on having money. And everybody has a price, especially politicians. Thanks to Covid-19, America was convinced to cut her own throat by closing up small businesses, the backbone of our economy. Democrats spread the word, "It'll come back!" What they don't know is that small businesses are inspired, they did not exist by chance, and unique small businesses don't just grow back like weeds. A large part of our culture is being destroyed by ignorant, greedy self-centered politicians that are receiving funds and doing the bidding of foreign powers, and it is obvious! Even the Chinese are bragging about it on the internet!
I don't know know how this is going to turn out, but I think that it's too late to turn back now. We could still go either way but, there are enough cards on the table to determine that, we have been played. ~ Prof.

*Fauci says, "Black folks shouldn't be afraid to get the jab because a Black woman developed it." This reveals what the powers that be, think about Black people.

*Pelosi 'admits' she played politics while millions lost their jobs, 'The Five' react.

*Second Stimulus Check Update: Democrat Proposes Releasing Aid To People Only After COVID-19 Inoculation LINK:
his whole 2020 show of force, has been to get us to take the injections.

*"Video Emerges Of Chinese Professor Bragging Biden Is Compromised And the Democrat Party too. Only Trump Stood In China's Way."

*Join me on Twitter; Urban Treasure Hunters @ProfCurtisFre #professorcurtis ~ Financial donations can be accepted through PayPal at; Thank you! (My website) Visit and share with me here. Email me at; Thank you!

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