Ep. 416 Patriot Line Friday & Lt. Col Shaffer Returns - The Common Sense Show

4 years ago

For show notes, visit https://indynews.org/ep-416-patriot-l...

In this episode, Its Friday!!!!!!!!!! Derik, Patriotski & Glory Anon return for another day broadcast excellence on The Patriots Soapbox Live News Network & The Common Sense Show. Its Patriot Line Friday! Not only will the guys take calls from you, PATRIOT NATION, but the guys will bring you the news that’s most important to you, WITHOUT the liberal spin!

In hour #2, the guys will review the latest stock numbers, which were just released courtesy of MarketWatch. At the bottom half of hour #2, a New York Times best selling author, retired Intel Operative, President of The London Center For Policy Research & a Trump 2020 Advisory Board Member, Lt. Col Tony Shaffer returns to the show to discuss his thoughts on voter fraud and any new projects he is going on. Also stay tuned towards the end of today’s show for our Patriot Song Of The Day.

Special Guest:
Lt. Col Tony Shaffer (on Twitter: @T_S_P_O_O_K_Y)

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