TTSC Ep 5: What Killed the Dead Sea?

3 years ago

Have you ever wondered what killed the Dead Sea? Did you know that it was once a lush valley called Siddim with streams, marshes, tar pits and grasslands? It was like a little piece of heaven where many cities and towns were built in ancient times. In Genesis 14 we learn about the battle of the 9 kings among whom were Bera and Birsha, the kings of Soddom and Gomorrah. This was when Abraham met them and discovered their wicked habits and their narcisism. It was only a matter of time before they would earn divine judgment. Abraham was a witness to these events. Archeology tells us that a meteor explosion in the lower atmosphere decimated the valley of Siddim and made it unapproachable for hundreds of years and uninhabitable for thousands. A coincidence? Sometimes, a coincidence is just a message from God that we choose to ignore.

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