Skirmish Alesserfate - AvP2 Custom Map (Complete Playthrough)

4 years ago

Aliens vs Predator 2 singleplayer custom map titled "Skirmish Alesserfate".

Map author: Unknown.

Map review:

Skirmish Alesserfate is exactly what it sounds like; a skirmish version of the multiplayer map alesserfate. When the map starts, there are no enemies. You then have to choose whether or not you want to play the map on "easy" or "hard" by shooting the corresponding panels (they look cool in-game by the way). I gave it a round on both easy and hard and I honestly didn't notice much change in the difficulty.

In both difficulties, the drone aliens will swarm the player. I found that as long as you keep backpedaling around the map and grabbing the health, armor and ammo pickups, the aliens won't ever be able to stop you. I accidentally killed myself on the easy mode with the rocket launcher. In the hard mode I started to get bored and rocketed myself to end the map. It should be noted that the player hud has an added skull and crossbones icon. This is an enemies killed tracker, which is a great addition to give you a sense of your "high score".

As simple as it is, it's a fun map. It's a shame more maps didn't get the skirmish treatment. Actual multiplayer on this map is still more fun than facing alien ai, but this is a welcome change of pace.

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