3 years ago

I am wholly persuaded, as I am convinced you are, that being wholly prepared to do our due diligence, as American loyalists, that having your weapons of liberty ready, charged, and your plans of defense and offense are actions that are, even now, as I write, of vital necessity.

This Patriotic Restoration of the U.S. Constitution must be founded on:

Faith in God and Prayer

American Patriots from every race, color and creed without any trace of superiority of anyone or any faith of any people.

To reestablish the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution – To restore America’s reason for and foundation of existence.

The Restoration Wave is required because:

If Biden wins, we need to be ready to engage if actions of legislation contrary to the constitution occurs, such as:

Packing the court
Ending the Electoral College
Take legal or physical action against President Trump
Forming Truth and Reconciliation Commission against Trump supporters
If Trump wins, we must engage to counter the Color Revolution of millions of Socialist domestic terrorists, on the streets, in violence. We will need to take control of the actions and fulfill the purpose of the 2nd Amendment, as a well-regulated militia.


To the radical Left; to the hating right, to all those, who are determined to destroy the Republic because their hatred for President Donald J. trump is greater than their love for America:

The Restoration Patriots know who you are as well. Do not take violent actions. Do not fill our streets with arson and destruction and murder again. For America’s patriots have fully stood up and are prepared and equipped to destroy you, before we allow you to harm our president, to destroy our republic and kill our people.

You will face the wrath of ‘We the People’, who represent a fully and excellently equipped and regulated militia of the American people. You will face certain destruction.


To the Democrat-Socialist Party, the Radical Left; to the hating right; CONTROL YOUR HORDES OF DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!
You are hereby ordered to stand down, and you must let the election process take its due course because we have stood up and are armed and ready to defend our nation, our president and our Constitution. If the Democrat-Socialists are elected and attempt to tear down the U.S. Constitutional Republic with unconstitutional laws, the same applies. We will fight! We will take you down!

Any actions of arson, murder, upheavals, of a violent nature, of any kind, will be met with the fury of Restoration Patriots, who will defend our heritage, political rights and nation to our last full ounce of devotion. We shall not stand by. We have stood up and you will be put down!

You have been hereby duly warned and ordered to stand down!

When letters are sent to Trump Supporters by the Radical left that read:

“You have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter. Your address has been added into our database, as a target for when we attack, should Trump not concede the election. We recommend that you check your home insurance policy and make sure that it is current and has adequate cover for fire damage,”

When Barack Obama can tell the Democrat Hoodlums to fill our streets with violence again, with these words:

“Hey, everybody; one of the most inspiring things about this year has been to see so many young Americans fired up; organizing, marching & fighting for change,”

When former MSNBC Commentator, Keith Olbermann insists that Donald Trump be put on trial for 220,000 murders & given the death penalty for each COVID 19 death,

When former Clinton Cabinet member, Robert Reich tweeted that when the nightmare is over, they would need to set up ‘Truth & Reconciliation Commissions’, such as is in China for reeducation camps,

When President Trump is being threatened to be dragged from the White House,

You can believe we will make sure the 2nd Amendment will be placed into full effect and will NOT let the Democrat-Socialists destroy our republic.


We must be everywhere; outside all polling sites to stop intimidation of voters, on election day; in every city; at every point of attack, from the Left, & we will put it down! It is our constitution right...our constitutional duty! We must surround the White house and protect the people’s duly elected President of the United States.

If that fills the Democrat-Socialists with fear, indeed it well should; Because, we are serious, determined, prepared and equipped to put down the treasonous Democrat-Socialist ‘Color Revolution’ that we have been threatened with.

We hope the Democrat-Socialist thugs and traitors understand better now.

"And, what country can preserve its liberties, if their rulers are not warned, from time to time, that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." - Thomas Jefferson

Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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