Dr. Rabbi MARVIN ANTELMAN Interview on Tamar Yonah Show June 20, 2006 re Frankist Illuminati..

4 years ago

Reposting this audio which has expired/been deleted elsewhere.

June 20, 2006 Interview on The Tamar Yonah show
IsraelNationalRadio.com (Arutz Sheva, Channel 7)


0:00 Intro, network info, and bio of Rabbi Antelman.
"Smartest man in the world," chemist, inventor, many patents.
2:40 Book: "To Eliminate the Opiate, Vol. 1" -- Description.
5:00 Today is the 250th Anniversary of the Cherem (excommunication) performed by the Council of the Four Lands.
Some impeccable source books:
Anthony Sutton: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
Anthony Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

Carroll Quigley, Prof. of Foreign Relations, Georgetown University. Clinton.
CFR = Council on Foreign Relations [arayot?!] = Carnegie, Ford and Rockefeller.
Book "Tragedy and Hope"
Book "The Anglo-American Establishment"

7:00 Other impeccable works: Hebrew University Professors
17th century Cossaks -Chmielnicki Massacre - 20th Sivan annual commemoration
8:10 Council of the Four Lands (1520-1764) 30 Rabbis (15 lay leaders, 15 full time rabbis)
9:00 People were looking for Redemption -- Shabbetai Tzvi "I am the Messiah"
Sultan: Die or Convert to Islam -- he converted. Died 1676
10:00 Disillusionment. Secret groups. Donmeh in Salonika

10:55 Talmud: "Messiah will come when everybody is good or everybody is bad"
So Sabbateans would sin on purpose for example davka eat chelev, forbidden fats.

12:10 A transformation of the Donmeh: Jacob Frank (d. 1791) made communities Satanic.

13:00 Gershon Scholem wrote a lot about Shabetai Tzvi. Sabbatean Studies, Hebrew U.

13:40 Adam Weisshaupt. Illuminati. French Revolution. World conspiracy does exist.

14:40 Many good sources. "Protocols" is fiction.

15:15 Back to Frankists. Excommunication on 20 Sivan, 1756.

15:25 Four Lands' Council excommunication of Frankists -- bastards to the tenth generation.
Forbade study of Kabbalah till 30 or 40 years old.

16:30 Frankist family trees -- First cousin of Frank was Dobrushka -- member of Illuminati devoted to Sabbateanism.
Non-Jews joined Illuminati.
These two groups staged the bloody French Revolution.
Dobrushka was beheaded on the guillotine.

17:45 Revolutions have been both good and bad -- but let's analyze it from the spiritual side.
Generated Reform and Conservative Judaism, labeled the traditional "Orthodox." Fragmented Jewry, don't know who to trust.

18:30 Sufi shrine of Frank in Albania. Gnostic movement.
19:50 The Assassins (Hashish). Spencer's Encyclopedia of the Occult. Rosicrucians another Sufi cult.
21:30 Anthony Sutton: The Bushes, Yale, Sabbatean - Frankists - Illuminati, Skull and Crossbones, Universities.


23:00 Part 2
Marx: "Religion is the opiate of the masses"
Rabbi Antelman's book available through Billy Jack Dial's site BnaiNoach.com (defunct/redirected)

25:00 Frankist cult held Sabbetai to be God

Various one-world agenda groups and blocs.

27:40 Bilderbergs -- non-Jewish
27:50 The genius of the Council of Four Lands -- was that any Jew involved in derivative organizations of Sabbatean-Frankism is excommunicated and no longer a Jew.
Trotsky was excommunicated.

28:25 Are there still Sabbateans today? Vol 1 published 1974. A History professor doubted it. Volume 2 (2002) addresses it. In 1999 a Donmeh, Ilgaz Zorlu published a book "Yes, I am a Salonikan" -- Crypto-Jew Muslims, orgies, ... No doubting.

30:50 Ataturk was a Donmeh

31:00 Callers --
Esther -- Are Sabbateans connected with forming the Reform and Conservative Judaism?
Gershon Scholem's writings. "The Holiness of Sin" popular article. Mitzva habaah b'Aveirah. Brandeis family from Sabbateans. Dembitz renounced Sabbateanism. Solomon Sheker.

35:50 William from Baltimore: CFR in Israel today? What can we do?
Pray for the Geulah. Pick up and live in Israel, will be the beginning of the Geulah.

37:35 Tom from Washington D.C. About Neo-Cons? No comment (not closely relevant)

38:40 We've covered roots of the Illuminati and connection to Sabbateanism.
Symbol of Eye on pyramid on dollar Bill: Spencer: "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye."
From Egypt, Horus, Baal Peor, Bilaam - "seeing leader of his day."

40:10. Adam Weishaupt, Ingolstadt University, dominated by Jesuits
41:45 Sanhedrin Perek Chelek -- "Eilu hem sh'ein l'hem chelek l'olam haba." These are the ones who have no share in the Next World.

42:45 CFR trying to make one world government by 2010. Bush Sr. was in CFR. Arabs are a favorite party. Want complete domination of world and Plato's Republic New World Society.

44:15 Are they purposely evil? Not monolithic. Bohemian Grove are Devil Satanic.
45:00 I don't believe in dark powers. But the UN in NYC has a Meditation Room that is Sufi and paganism Avoda Zara.

46:10 END

Free download of the book "TO ELIMINATE THE OPIATE, VOL 1" (1974) by Dr. Rabbi Marvin Antelman:

Vol. 2 is available in a low-quality print on Amazon etc. and also as an e-book..

#MarvinAntelman #CultOfTheAllSeeingEye

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