The Life and Times of Jebediah

3 years ago

Voice Actor: Tom Cooper

I am the one-eyed Bedlamite
born of the wolfhound from Ulster
from the east end of the Kennel
I keep my lonesome watch;

as they cull the residuum,
save the runt of the elected litter

Since the gnawssacre Jebediah’s gone astray; my one appellation
to the two-eyed I am full lupine,
stained with battle scars;

as their echoes whimper to my cardinal direction

In the widowed junction, the Augur read my paws
Three-Eyes has communed; keeper of my fate alone

Under the stars I see where mutts have flown free,
when Lorraine once spoke my sobriquet,
only when Betelgeuse explodes,
the Trinitarian said to me.

I am margin on the page,
the pacific rim,
the stock always avoid the fringe.

Rat hole, rat hole, I command your speech;
show me anew
the echoes of battle cries,
the foundations of my scars,
take along my brothers in wild lineage;
hear them not in waves of the abyss,
for no one yet can call my Truth

even the Rat
can come and go
without counsel

I am a bargain,
black tooth or not
you’re to hearken my most able whisper
from the east end, where mis-miscreants lay

once hungry for freedom from the reins,
for the compass showing us the lush,
the primitive, the savage ways
deep from the Earth that calls us by our moniker

My name is Jebediah
You’re not to call me different
'else the others see the Truth:

I am Rubedo

(Please adopt a shelter dog someday!)

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