Nurse Says Tennova Hospital Has the “Unapproved” C Vaxx & Will Be Giving it to People Next Week.

4 years ago

I know that this information is very subjective and not data-driven and no solid physical evidence is in hand. I do however trust this individual, knowing they are very strong Christians have no reason to lie. So I trust her word.

If hospitals are already scheduling people to receive the COVID vaccine before it has even been “approved” by the FDA, it begs the question of whether the industry already knows the prior plan and if the “approval process” is all for show?

How can a hospital already have received doses of a vaccine that has not yet been approved?

Full blog with references and resources:

Check out more of my videos here:

Why COVID Vax May Increase the Death Rate While Decreasing the Case Rate.

Is Elderberry Okay for COVID? Does Elderberry Cause “Cytokine Storm?”

“Will COVID-19 Vaccines Save Lives? Current Trials Aren’t Designed to Tell Us.” BMJ Review

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*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to treat, diagnose, or cure any medical condition. We must legally advise you to seek the assistance of a trusted health professional before making any changes to your health regime.

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