Hiking in Switzerland? What about the wolves?

3 years ago

For more information about wolves in Switzerland.


The Castle
Wartenstein Castle
Burgweg, 7312 Pfäfers

We have already talked about bears, but what about bears? Are there Wolves in Switzerland and are they going to eat you? Today we are talking about wolves. As a kid I listened to this book called winning his spurs by GA Hennty. The book took place in the middle ages and the main character was n his way back from one of the crusades and he had to cross over the Alps. On his way over the Alps, he was chased down by wolves. He made it to some sort of house or shelter or something and was able to fight off the wolves for a time. And then somehow he survived. I think maybe an avalanche came and killed the wolves. I don't know. I haven't listened to the book in years. But that was pretty much the first thing I had heard about the alps. Ever since then the alps and wolves just kind of go together in my mind when I think about the alps I think about wolves. Today Raphi and I came up to this castle. We were hoping it was going to be up above the fog but it's in the fog. It is very dark. But the for adds a cool thing to this castle. Check it out. It is freezing cold but we are going to start a fire and cook some bratwurst. But are there wolves in the alps? Well at the time of the crusades there were definitely wolves in the alps and they would eat you up along with your cows and your sheep and whatever else they could get ahold of. And you know how the Swiss love their cows. So the wolves were hunted. This was a matter of survival for these farmers. You see a wolf doesn't always kill an animal just for food. Sometimes they will do these mass killings where they will kill a whole herd of sheep and just leave the bodys. This could be devastating for a farmer. These farmers viewed itas their duty to get rid of them. By 1900 there were very few wolves in the alps. the last wolf that came from Switzerland was shot in 1947. For many years there were no wolves in the alps. Until 1995. A few wolves wandered over the border from Italy. They made their grand entrance by kill 117 sheep and 2 goats. so yeah. The population has grown over the years. In 2012 Switzerland's first wolf pack was discovered. Now a few years later there are around 80 wolves living in Switzerland give or take a few. where are you? that thing is invisible. Arn't you supposed to have lights on that thing? where is it? it is right there. where? you just turned it off don't turn it off. I didn't turn it off. His drone thought it was landing and turned itself off like 100ft in the air. Is it ok? It didn't break it? the gimble. What's broken on it? the arm in the back. We later found out that this drone has a tendency to fall out of the sky when flying in cold weather. of course, the ice on the propellers probably didn't help. But back to the wolves. But here is the real question. Are they going to eat me? Well, it is very unlikely. you see, wolves are naturally very afraid of humans and they tend to stay as far away as possible. Also, the swiss wolves are very well fed. They eat anywhere from 300 to 500 livestock every year. since the wolf had returned to Switzerland there have been no attacks on humans. So the chance of you being attacked by a wolf in Switzerland is very slim. However, it is a big fury animal with big sharp teeth that kan bight very hard. You should not pet it.

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