Taiwan's Warnings Ignored By the WHO, Costing Lives Worldwide 4-8-2020

4 years ago

WHO is the WHO? You may be surprised by some of the seedy characters who have been advising the world on survival advice. These folks have more interconnections than the busiest freeway in LA. And, many of them are suspect at best. Join "The Deplorable Author", Cathi Chamberlain, as she continues hosting the news for The Deplorable Report. Her book, "Rules for Deplorables: A Primer for Fighting Radical Socialism" (available on Amazon) follows the news with a twist: thru the lens of a Saul Alinsky tactic. Now that COVID-19 has side-railed her statewide "Florida Deplorable Book Tour", this is Cathi's attempt to keep her message alive. Learn about Saul Alinsky's 13 tactics to transform our country to socialism and what we must do to fight back. Cathi will be discussing the most pressing current events and how they are affecting our lives. Do not miss this new series. ... 4-8-2020 ... VOTE 2020: Trump or Socialism! Join Rules for Deplorables Group on Facebook to keep up on all the latest news on "The Deplorable Report" www.TheDeplorableReport.com

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