Barry Seal: American Re-Made

4 years ago

American Re-Made...

From the rise of Fidel Castro... to the secret war in Laos... to Iran/Contra and the start of the 1980's Crack-Cocaine epidemic... to his being machine-gunned down in an ambush... Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal's name and legend would rise to "cult" status in the decades following his murder.

Hollywood movies have been made about Barry Seal, like Doublecrossed and American Made starring acting legends, Dennis Hopper, and Tom Cruise, respectively, playing the role of Barry Seal as the main character. And yet, despite the large amount of publicity surrounding the life of Barry seal, after his murder, the truth of it all has remained blurred and obscured from the public at large, leaving most with erroneous stories and skewed "facts".

American Re-Made - The Real Story of Barry Seal, takes a cold, hard, look at the facts of not only just Barry Seal, but the hidden-from-the-public, polito-intel-world, he rose and was gunned down in, and lays it out for all to see.

Watch the Barry Seal story like it's never been told before...


Like Fred Crisman, who overlaps UFO deception operations and JFK while also exposing the infiltration by CIA of public and private media on commercial networks, Barry seal overlaps the generational post coup activities of the CIA from their murder of JFK in November 1963 to their final break with DIA and Pentagon groups in the Mena cocaine operations. It was the power struggles within military and "civilian" intelligence agencies, as they continued to divide up spoils from the coup of '63, that led not only to the surfacing of real evidence of CIA involvement in the Kennedy murders (for example the outing of David "Indio" Morales and the outing of the CIA assets in place within LAPD) and also to the sideshows of various senate and house inquiries into CIA and its takeover of government in America.

Barry Seal is one of those fascinating men who whilst not looking like James Bond is certainly more of a buccaneering old style agent than the dry fourth and fifth generation CIA family members stumbling through the political collapse in Washington DC triggered by their mishandling of the Trump vote suppression in Election 2020.

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