Ep 95 - North Korean Gymnast Jumps For Freedom & One Man’s Theory Hitler's the Hero of World War II

4 years ago

On today’s pod, Busch is now making a beer exclusively for your dogs. Will this get your dog tanked or is it just overpriced white people stuff? More importantly, is there a reason dog beer needs to exist? Exploring the internets, we came across one man’s very passionate argument in favor of Adolf Hitler, arguing the Fuhrer is the victim of lies and disinformation. Was Hitler actually a good dude who got a bad rap? Of course not, but it’s always fun to read a real conspiracy theory. A North Korean gymnast made a heroic escape for freedom by jumping over the wall at the DMZ. As a reward, the South Korean guards made him repeat the jump twice to prove he could do it. Hooray for freedom!

As always we are sponsored by Illuminatus Brand and they can be found at Illuminatusbrand.com and @team_illuminatus on Instagram. This show can be found @hiddeninplainsightradio on Instagram and @hiddeninplain10 on Twitter.

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