Trump: Save America, Fight to the end; Witness testimony messed with by Democratic congresswoman

3 years ago

Under normal circumstances, by December 8, the U.S. states would have to resolve their election disputes and determine their electors. But this year's U.S. presidential election has so many problems which indicate the involvement of many groups and even foreign forces.

“With the fraud case, the Dec. 8 deadline doesn’t apply,” Attorney Sidney Powell said on Dec 4, last Friday during an appearance on Newsmax TV’s “Stinchfield.”

Currently, President Trump's team has launched lawsuits in a number of key swing states, and has made four major developments.

The first development is at the: Three Swing States’ Legislatures May Decide the Electors

The second notable development in Team Trump's legal battle is that a number of contested states are holding a series of public hearings. In addition to Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona, Wisconsin will hold public hearings on election irregularities on the 11th of December.

The third development in the legal battle is that even More Fraud has been Exposed

And the fourth development in the Trump Team's legal battle is that: More Legislators are Coming Forward

President Trump says he will never give up, never back down, never compromise and to fight to the end to save America.

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